Known as the Honey Peach, whilst hardly new [we exhibited it at Chelsea over 20 years ago] just recently it has begun to appear in the shops, and apparently is finding a ready demand. This popularity has resulted in renewed enquiries for trees to grow at home. These curious, flattened little Peaches are super-sweet with a pale creamy white juicy flesh that is as sweet as honey, which has led to the common name being coined. Saturn is self fertile and a joy to see when bedecked with it’s beautiful rose pink blossoms. Peaches can do well outdoors but Saturn is a little less hardy than most so it requires either a warm patio – or a greenhouse where you can harvest many of these delectable and unique Peaches. Self fertile.
As a bush it will reach 6-8’ or so, and can be fan trained against a warm wall.
Or you can grow it in a 20” pot containing loam based compost.

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