Raised in Norfolk & introduced from a breeding programme designed to combine the best of the old and new.
With a lot of quality new varieties being introduced from EMRS that were depressingly devoid of the qualities that rank high on the list of home gardeners, we decided to see if we could better address those needs. With Norfolk Nectar that goal has definitely been accomplished.
From a cross of Royal Sovereign x Aromel – two of the most popular garden varieties of the last 50 years – Norfolk Nectar has combined the best qualities of both. With a real old-time strawberry flavour [inherited from both parents] it is happily much more disease resistant than Royal Sovereign and has not been troubled by any significant strawberry diseases in trials here. And, from ‘Aromel’ it has inherited a 5-6 week cropping period which usually runs from the 2nd week of June to the second half of July. The foliage canopy is upright, compact and a good dark green. The fruits themselves even, conical to wedge shaped and a medium orange-red. The flesh is soft, juicy and beautifully flavoured.
Norfolk Nectar is suitable for all purposes and may be grown in growbags or pots as well as the tradiitonal strawberry bed.
Consistently a top selling Strawberry since it’s introduction, despite trialling several seedlings since none have come close to Norfolk Nectar. The art of breeding new fruit plants is both time consuming and also frustratingly open to lady luck. Very often, despite the best made plans, resultant crosses do not always turn out as hoped for!
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