There can be no finer site in the fruit garden than an established Redcurrant bush loaded with fruit and good cropping examples can yield many pounds, bunches of strigs lining each branch with countless brilliant red berry. The trouble is, a mature Redcurrant bush needs 5-6’ in width to accommodate it which isn’t always in the capabilities of an avaerage small garden.
Happily there is a very practical space-saving solution – the cordon. Young bushes are restricted to just one main stem [in a single cordon] or two stems in a ‘V’ shape for a double cordon. The fruits are borne on short side laterals which are pruned back once each year.
Ir’s an easy system to maintain and yields are pretty good especially when you consider the [lack of] space taken up. Over 1 ib per cordon is normal when mature. Height-wise they are flexible; you can keep them to 3 or maybe 4’ in height but you can also let them run to 6’ or more. Obviously the higher the cordon then the heavier the yield. Specialist fruit nurseries offer redcurrants as ready-made cordons.
This type of system does need support. Plant against a fence or wall [any aspect except North] or support with a stout bamboo cane.
Plant just 18” apart. You can also grow Whitecurrants in this way too.

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